Friday, May 26, 2006

Tracing the Way to You

Talked to Sapphirefly yesterday:

1. Title change to "Tracing the Way to You"?
2. Storyboard needs more detail
3. Stronger character development
4. Offer readers something different
5. More angst in dialogue for realism


algelic said...

I'm also working on my Escaflowne fanfic. I called it Conspiracy. I wanted to give it a strong and short title. Also, although I want go put romance in my story, I didn't want a lame title. I guess it's hard to find a name for your work... but thankfully to me it came fast, I didn't have to think too much to come up with it, it just seemed perfect.

Have you posted your fanfic on How's your progress going? Oh, and thank you for stopping by my blog! ;)

Sapphirefly said...

Whoa! You really take my advice seriously, ne?


jomiel said...

Sapphirefly: Of course I take your comments seriously! Today I spent some time looking up "trace" on and thought of a few other titles, but so far yours is still winning... Maybe I'll steal it for my use after all.

Angelic: I read your comments for a while on Sapphirefly's blogs, but I never connected your name with your fic until yesterday. I'm enjoying your story so far. Keep going!

No, I haven't posted my story yet. It's still very messy right now... I really want to do a good job, because I'm a bit conceited and think that most of the continuation fics on Escaflowne are pretty unreadable ._, We'll see how it goes, I guess!