I've been very bad this month and haven't written any real substance for DS. As I shifted through ch4 and broke away the outdated parts and separated scenes for future chapters, I realized ch4 now only has 2 paragraphs.
Oops. Oh well, too late to regret publishing my supposed buffer chapter. I better stop further tinkering with the plot and write something again.
Maybe I should try writing instead of typing, as a change to spice things up a little. I seem to brainstorm better on paper. Perhaps it's the physical act of putting words down. Drawing links between different characters, asking side qusetions that develop into long answers, filling out emotions of the scene--these all seem to be easier in active process. I wonder if it will do the same with storytelling?
I don't care what anyone says... writing is better than typing! xD
Everytime I try to write directly into the computer.... all I write seems to SUCK. But in paper... it's much better. Sure, it's harder when you make a mistake and can't erase as easily as you would in a computer... BUT I don't mind the trouble.
I've tried writing a chapter by hand before, but I changed a lot of things when I transferred it into type. It's a great tool for stream of consciousness and a dialogue with myself about my plans, I think ^^ I draw different pathways of thought and add little notes everywhere when I do it to brainstorm.
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