Saturday, November 11, 2006

Progress Update 11

I've started to revise ch6 based on Chocolatelova's comments and my own list of what I see is wrong. The main problem is the line between mystery and messy. Also, I really don't have everything worked out--and hinting at unsure things is not the greatest of ideas.

In one of the earlier chs, Sapphirefly had mentioned that she would like to see Van more authoritative both within Fanelia and outside. Her idea makes for a stronger Van: he is specifically reared for the throne, so he wouldn't see his responsibilities as overwhelming or restrictive, and he would be at ease the most in meetings with his staff and in talks with other heads of state. And it's true he should be that way. By now he's been officially crowned for 10 years, and he's lived and breathed his role since 5.

So I've been trying to make his responses more definite, but being someone who avoids talking if I could communicate by writing instead, it's hard to think up good lines, haha. That certain elegant dignity remains elusive despite use of active verbs, shorter sentences, and stronger words. /sigh

Today's sentence:
The audience chamber was as sparse as the rest of the castle, its only indication of authority the solitary chair underneath the brass mark of Fanelia.

And new sketch :D I'm really happy with this one. Can you tell what Van is thinking? ;3


Anonymous said...

AWWW thats a cute pic. Good luck with chapter 6!

Sapphirefly said...

What do I know about Van? Probably nothing.

I love your pic though. I think you're an amazing artist. Even your rough sketches have the seeds of greatness in them.

jomiel said...

No, I think your comment was right. My newest post was going to be on it, but I haven't finished the thought. Maybe later tonight or tomorrow, and I'll write about why you were right :)