I'm a little frustrated, and I know it's entirely all my fault. It's so boring to hear whining, but since this is a blog about my experience with DS, I should probably include everything, even the boring and less glamorous parts.
My more intimate friends know I'm an absolute nut when it comes to my obsessions. If I read a really good book or watch a good anime series, I would buried in my own world, getting up only for sustenance and bathroom breaks, and avoid bedtime as long as I could manage (I read The Lord of the Rings in 3 days, and watched Escaflowne in one sitting several times. They're not achievements I'm proud of!--but here for illustration ._.).
Yes, I'm very strange. In other things I'm really very laid back, so please don't think I'm certifiably insane or step on little animals (only the tiny ones).
Naturally, this obsessive behavior comes through in my feelings about Escaflowne, and my feelings about what I'm trying to do with Deeper than the Sky. I know I'm a total snob on several points, but we should all have standards and goals, eh?
1. Prose. I try not to delude myself with grandiose thoughts of literature, but I wanted to achieve a different kind of fanfiction writing. I want to test myself to see how far I can go.
2. Adherence to Escaflowne. I've spent a lot of time making screenshots of every little thing in each ep, so when I write about the audience chamber, I pull that picture up, and think about what else is in the room. I've made timelines and charts from info in Escaflowne Compendium, and thought a great deal about details. And I've done this because I everything to be as if we're there. I want to make sure I've totally understood the characters. Still a struggle everyday.
3. Relationships. So far, DS is planned for 21 chapters (I have some scattered notes I haven't incorported into my main notes, so it might change). I want to see V+H together in a satisfying, believable manner. No falling into each other's arms after long separation. No rushing into kissing. No rushing into marriage. Because most relationships take a long time to grow, and takes more work to foster. "Deeper than the sky" goes through several meanings in the story, and that's why it will take me 21 chapters to get there.
And I think this is why I'm frustrated. I want to achieve these three points, and yet I feel most readers care very little about them. I could end their courting in two chapers, but then where's the enjoyment? Where's the desire for subtlety? Where's the satisfaction of a happy ending if there weren't any conflicts in the process? Shouldn't it matter to have complex characters on top of romance?
Maybe I'm just tired.
I could end their courting in 1 PARAGRAPH. That's how rushed I am! Yeah I hate myself. LOL
I guess I usually have a BEAUTIFUL scene in my mind... but when I try to put it into words... I fail miserably!
I've been trying to describe a certain scene for about a month now. I know... I'm nuts. But I won't give up until it comes out right!
And I can also spend HOURS watching anime. For example... I remember I watched the 52 episodes of "Full Moon wo Sagashite" in 2 days. Do the math... how many hours in a row did I spend watching it? LOL
Well, seeing as how Escaflowne is 26 eps and one sitting is about 11 hours ;3 Yah...
As for your story, I think it's great to have high standards! If you get stuck though, you might try a few different approaches. Like with a different character voice, or try writing backwards from the end, or maybe set it slightly differently. And then you can change it later when it finally comes out. I also love to lie in bed, and act it out in my mind play-by-play.
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