Saturday, October 07, 2006


Aww, too bad we just missed Van's birthday in DS (Day of Planting was white, 15th moon). That would have been fun :P

Anyway, today I was looking at my timeline again, and planning out more festivals and events. And I made a little birthday chart based on info from Escaflowne Compedium. With Japanese fascination with horoscopes, I thought the birthdays gave a pretty good summary of the characters:
* Van - white, 12th moon (Apr 12) - Aries
* Hitomi - Dec 9 - Sagittarius
* Folken - purple, 17th moon (Feb 17) - Aquarius
* Dryden - yellow, 25th moon (May 25) - Gemini
* Allen - blue, 3rd moon (Nov 3) - Scorpio
* Millerna - green, 24th moon (Apr 24) - Taurus
* Celena - red, 8th moon (Aug 8) - Leo
* Merle - orange, 30th moon (Jun 30) - Cancer

But I still can't figure out how their months work ; ; Lunar Chinese and Japanese calendars have 12 months, so Gaea calendar should be similar. But, both white and green are listed as April, and assuming the events are listed in chronological order, white>green conflicts with green>blue>white. Grr.

Maybe I shouldn't assume they are in chronological order. Then I can fill in the other half of the calendar:

1 - sepia
2 - purple
3 - ochre
4 - white, green
5 - yellow
6 - orange
7 - silver
8 - red
9 - vermillion
10 - gold
11 - blue
12 - indigo

It should be pretty obvious which ones I made up. It's hard when I can't use any normal Earth things, like lavender and coral.


Sincerity said...

You know, the months thing has always confounded me. I thought it was just my inability to grasp an understanding of the calandar. But I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.

And have you ever wondered if Van ever got tired of wearing his boots all the time? I mean... I don't think he ever took them off in the series, did he?

jomiel said...

The boots didn't bother me as much as his shirt O_O He ripped several shirts, but he always get them back. And in the same exact shade.

The other thing is his gloves ;3

Sincerity said...

Yup! The gloves bug me too! I mean, what... is he afraid of catching cooties or something?
Actually... didn't Allen wear gloves most of the time too? Hey! Even Dilandau!
But Folken and Dryden didn't wear gloves, well, except when we saw Folken in the flashback of him getting his arm ripped off. Ouch.

algelic said...

None of them are Virgo!! *sniff*
Now I'm sad...

It's so cool that you do all that research.

Nadou said...

wuaw, Van is an Aries like me <3