Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Snob

First, a couple of ch progress notes:

1) Separate 文官 and 武官 divisions is too complicated. Fanelia is a small country, and beyond the literary ranks shown in opposing Goau's marriage and the coronation magistrate and his assistants, the screenshots for Van's coronation, Goau's death, etc. were all of armored men. And given Fanelia's stress on martial attributes (rite of dragonslaying, Van's coronation armor, Escaflowne as kingdom heirloom), it's likely that the chief vassals are a large part in Fanelia's political structure, opposite from Asturia and its more modern divisions (their military minister is only one of several other members on the high council).

There are still literary roles, though. Belian is the master recordkeeper, but his function is really the director of admin operations :P Hmmm, I just thought of this, but it'd be really cool if Leal and Belian were twins.

2) Chocolatelova's comments about having more Van's views in ch5 made me think about how exactly he'd see it. Since he'd avoid looking at his own feelings, he'd probably project them instead as Hitomi's feelings, but still with sort of a selfish, egotistical focus on himself. He'd think on external circumstances (dangers, rumor, awkward meetings), until the actual meeting with Hitomi to make him realize that's actually not what she thinks. And it'd be the same for Hitomi in ch6, but to a lesser degree. She's obviously much better at empathy, but it had been 10 years of trying to live like a normal Japanese adult.

A little convulted: projection of a projection. I'll try ._. At least I've finally clarified what ch5 should be.

Not sure if I've mentioned this in an earlier post, but recently I've felt like such a snob.

One example is food. I love both cheap food and good food. I'd happily eat McDonalds cheeseburgers (the 39 cent Tuesdays were glorious) or spend $14 on a pair of sushi. What I dislike is mediocre food for $20 a plate at these glorified family-themed restaurants, served on lukewarm plates and everything made to please the general tastes. Snob, check.

And then these couple of months I've begun to experience the duality of writing that perhaps all starting writers feel. On one hand, I feel that someone who calls himself a writer by merely putting words to a page is like someone who calls himself a chef because he cooks. On the other hand, I agree with one writer book that "universal writing" effectively eliminates half the population because they can't read, and then a greater part because we strive to be "literature".

Did you know that most people think they're better than average? Obviously, it's hypocritical of me to be snobbish--after all, writing fanfiction as literature is already a joke.

Maybe I'm thinking about DS too seriously. I'll leave you, then, with a picture of Van, who always seems to impart an air of happy feelings (oh how my tolerance level with internet kids increase when I have some Van music videos in the background). This is my favorite "this is how I roll" expression:


Sincerity said...

I think what you wrote about people feeling they're better than others is true to a point. Most folks feel that way until they mature in how they view life. Although there are some who never mature...
And yeah writing fanfiction isn't viewed as a serious profession, but mature writing skill can only be achieved through practice. So, if you look at fanfic writing as practice then there's nothing to feel bad about.
Its important to try doing your best in anything you set your mind on but its equally important to know when you should relax a little-bit and just enjoy the experience of trying.
Don't worry so much about whether its good enough for the critics. Because chances are that there will always be someone out there who will disagree with what you do or how you do it.

jomiel said...

Hmm, I guess I thought too hard in my post yesterday :P Like Sincerity said, it shouldn't really be that complicated--it's only practice.

Chocolatelova, I think half population is referring to the world.

algelic said...

I am better than others! LOOOOL

One of the few things I love about my country is the food. Since I don't eat meat... it's a good thing I'm here. There are some cool seafood restaurants here. The best ones are the ones that are unknown to tourists, that have a really homey look, that are not fancy at all. Yum!

But one of the things I've been really sad about lately is that I loooove to read... but books are really expensive in my country. I'm considering right now to order from or something. Or I'll buy LOTS of books when I go to america. I mean... the cheapest books are about $25 here! Outrageous! I spend my allowance in a couple of books!

jomiel said...

You are ;3

Yah, see how Amazon works out. Sometimes I shop at, because even with international shipping it ended up being cheaper than buying it in a store here.

You might also look for online book archives, although if you like to read more modern fiction, that will be harder to find.