Friday, June 16, 2006

Twenty-something Crossroad

Despite my plans, I didn't work on the story at all since the last update. This week had been a tangle of unhappiness, and I needed some time to think about what I really want in life and how to pick up the pieces. I think this is why I based Hitomi's conflict as a twenty-something's evaluation of life and goals--because what better experience do I know besides my own? (Although, of course, mine is not quite as full in the planet-teleportation area and seriously lacking a pretty boy Van.)

Twenty-something is a strange time--we finish school and start our careers, step into the adult world, see our friends settle down and have babies, hear our parents ask us when our marriages would be, try out some job changes, experiment with some new hobbies, meet new friends... Perhaps it's my own personality, but conforming to professional business expectations was difficult, and now that I'm close to what my boss wants me to be, I feel like I've lost some essential part of my soul. It's time to stop, to breathe, to think. Even if we previously had plans for the future, it seems time ripe to reexamine them, to choose another possibility. After all, what better time to choose than this crossroad between leaving our childhood behind and starting our future and new family?

Enough introspection. Sometimes I scare myself.

Perhaps inspiration for writing sometimes only need a forced sitting in front of the computer. I will try that this weekend. I shall, I shall, finish ch 3 and 4.


Sapphirefly said...

Hey ... I know what you mean. I saw that crossroads once and I can tell you what I decided. Of course your challenges are probably different, but I went out and got a new job. I was pacing in front of my office for 45 minutes, waiting to get picked up and I decided that I had to quit and get a new job. That's really not an easy decision to make when $$$ is involved, so I felt like my world was falling apart. But, I really felt like I needed to quit my job before I had a new one lined up. The stress of leaving my hateful job could not be compounded by a job search at the same time. I was offered five jobs during that transition (all before I finished working) - only two of them did I apply for. Things might work out better than you expect. All I can say is, have a little faith in your destiny and step into the unknown - life is magnificent!

Your bud,

algelic said...

Wow... I hadn't thought that almost all of you have already gone throught that phase. I'm still about to enter in (well, I still have to go to college, but right now I have to pick a course).

Money is always an issue. In my country you have a limited choice of jobs if you ever want to make money. There is a lot of unemployment and you see that everyone who's not an engineer or doctor has trouble finding a job. Even if you do go to college and graduate, you can end up being with an Engeneering degree and working at McDonalds. It's sad!

Everyone has their inner-struggles and dilemmas... in the end we just have to succeed. The best feeling is when you finally go thought that phase and feel that you've done something right... even if you're not in the job of your dreams of married to a knight-in-shining-armour or living in Los Angeles. But take a chance, life is all about taking risks!

You put some of your experiences in your writing? I put some of my dreams in my writing... since I don't think I lead such an extraordinary life!

By the way... are you male or female?

jomiel said...

Thank you for all your kind words. I feel so loved <3

Algelic, doesn't being in love with Van automatically make me female? ^^;

I will turn in my resignation next week; my job makes me too unhappy to continue further, although it will probably be another 2 months until I can finish training some people for the positions. I am now considering a plan that will take me 6 more years in school.

We'll see! As you guys said--it's time to stop hiding and take some chances.